Tuesday, January 22, 2013

This it the view of snowy Lviv, Ukraine from our 5th floor room in Hotel Nobilis
This is the University of Lviv and is a good example of the walking conditions I described previously.  All the shiny surfaces are ice, or some  combination of ice and slush and very slippery.  The rest of the photos below are just random shots of the city while I was roaming around.
So I hope those photos give you a feel for downtown Lviv.  I'm sure all the churches and buildings have names, but they are in Ukrainian on my map, so I'm not too sure what they are.  And since they are written with a Cyrillic alphabet I couldn't write them anyways.  I believe the church with the big dome and the statue in the foreground is the Dominican Church.
It wouldn't be the charronfamilykosovo blog without some reference to food, so here is the cute little Strudel Haus where I stopped for a snack.  I ate the mushroom and potato strudel before thinking to take a photo of it, so all I can show is the menu.  It was good, the mushroom sauce was marvelous!
We are off on a bus tour this afternoon to a castle 75 kilometers away from Lviv, so hope to add pictures of that soon.


  1. Gosh it looks beautiful! Did you walk past those ice sculptures in the fourth photo? Mmmm strudel

  2. Hi Chrissy - I was headed in the opposite direction so didn't get any closer to the ice sculptures. I figured Mom and I would pass that spot once she gets some free time. There is a Museum of Religion History here, next to the Dominican Church that had the big dome. I didn't go into the museum but it looked like a place you would enjoy. Quite a bit of religious history in this part of the world too. It is pretty here, just wish it was easier walking around, especially for Mom. But when we've gone out for dinner she has used the walking pole and hasn't slipped yet. One of the young gals with us last night did a butt-plant crossing a street but was OK - she was just happy that she didn't drop the cheesecake she was bringing back to the hotel for dessert.
