Tuesday, January 8, 2013

"Because it's there"
Ever since we moved into our apartment in Prizren I have looked out from our back patio at this pleasant view.  But after awhile I became obsessed with the prominent switch-backed road heading up into the hills to the little village of Novo Selo,  A little Google Earth research showed that it was about 5 miles by road to the village with an elevation gain of about 2000 feet.  I kept wanting to head up to Novo Selo but never seemed to have the opportunity or (to be honest) the energy to do so.  As time went on I felt like the road was mocking me every time I looked out the window, knowing that I would never see the base of the tiny white minaret that can barely be seen from Prizren.  But this weekend I cinched up my walking shoes, put my rucksack on my shoulder, and took off to conquer my own personal Everest.
A different view of the Prizren fortress from the lower switchbacks of the road to Novo Selo.
Some new views of the high mountains to the south. Unfortunately it was a bit cloudy. This area is part of the Sharri Mountains National Park
Prizren is getting smaller and smaller in the distance. Koritnik and the mountains of Albania in the distance.
Getting closer to the goal, Novo Selo!!
Novo Selo is a tiny little village, very rural, with chickens and goats running around and cocks crowing.  There were little girls skipping rope and boys chasing each other, with teenage boys standing and smoking in the only good spot to take a photo of the mosque.  The people eyed me with a little suspicion but tolerated me as if they were used to folks with cameras roaming around their homes.  The walk back down to Prizren went a little faster.  All in all it took about 4 hours for the adventure, and now the road to Novo Selo will no longer mock me!

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