Monday, December 24, 2012

Making Christmas Cookies at Our Apartment

We invited some of the students who frequent the American Corner over to our place to make Christmas cookies and play Mexican train dominoes.  We had a great time!!

Kustrine, Elita, Frank, Elona, Marigona, and Dorine

Elita, Elona, Dorina, and Annette

Elita, Elona, Dorine and Ilirjan (the Fullbright English Teaching Associate from the Bronx)

Elona is 9 and is the daughter of Shykran, the American Corner Coordinator.

In true American fashion, Frank and Bledar are watching American football since we purchased the NFL package so that we could cheer on Peyton Manning and the Denver Broncos.  Bledar is a basketball fanatic and a member of the booster club for Prizren's pro basketball team which has two American players.  Bledar is a senior in high school.  Somehow, amazingly, any conversation at the American Corner turns into a conversation about basketball when Bledar is present.  We may be talking about American presidential elections, for example, and somehow Bledar eventually relates whatever subject we are discussing to something about basketball.  I just laugh when it happens, but some of the girls just roll their eyes.

Decorated Christmas cookies at the Charron Xmas party.

Elita, Marigona, and Dorine - the master cookie makers.


  1. Wow everyone sure looks like bojons! Elona is especially adorable. What are the mushroom looking cookies supposed to be?

    1. I couldn't figure out the mushroom-shaped cookies either. To me it looked like a miner's pick ax, so I figured it must be for Santa Barbara's holy day, since she is the patron saint of miners. But that's just a guess.

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