Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Most people who know me are aware that Christmas is not my favorite holiday, in fact, it generally makes me a little crabby for the entire month of December.  So, I figured Kosovo, a predominantly Muslim county, would be the perfect place for me to get away from the constant Christmas hype.  So, imagine my surprise when I went into the local ETC store, the Kosovo equivalent to WalMart, and saw them setting up a large section of the store for their Christmas merchandise.  I went back today and took some photos.  I just can't escape Santa, I guess.
A row of Christmas ornaments and strings of lights, but also cases of Peja beer, so there is hope that Christmas might be just a little different here.
Lots of little Santas, a bargain at less than 5 euros.
 Plenty of fake Christmas trees.
Santa is everywhere!!  Annette was talking to some of her students and found out that everyone has a lighted and decorated tree here, but they call them New Years trees.  So I guess I can't get away from Christmas no matter where I am.  Maybe I should try Iran or maybe North Korea for Christmas in 2013, but they probably celebrate with Santa in those countries too.  So I think I'll give in and say "Ho Ho Ho" and just enjoy the jolly old man this year.  Merry Christmas to all!!!


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  2. Kosovo has cracked Scrooge!!! I was telling someone about your distaste for Christmas, explaining how you refused to decorate the tree and we would have to make you put on your red ball ornament for tradition's sake. They seemed to think your lack of spirit would have been sad, but I just have fond and funny memories of Christmas time with all of our little traditions like you and I putting up the lights, even though it meant stepping in th ivy we both seemed to be allergic to. Anyways, Christmas is done for the both of us, but Merry Christmas once again. I'm missing you lots and I cannot wait until this summer when I see you guys! Love you
